Picture to come soon.
1 package ground turkey
1 small onion
1 green bell pepper
1 egg, beaten
bread crumbs (optional)
worcestershire sauce
brown sugar
Green Beans:
1 bag fresh green beans
minced garlic (dried or fresh)
3 small pats bacon fat (about one tblsp)
1/2 cup chicken stock
Mashed Potatoes:
5 Gold Yukon potatoes
1 stick butter
2 big dollops sour cream
milk to consistency
sea salt
pepper (optional)
Preheat oven to 350. Finely chop onion and pepper; mix into a large bowl with the ground turkey. Mix in beaten egg, bread crumbs, and a couple heavy dashes of salt, pepper, and worcestershire sauce. Once well mixed, press the meat into a meatloaf pan. In a small bowl, mix about 1/4 cup of ketchup with a tablespoon or two of brown sugar (your preference). Spread ketchup mix on top of the raw meatloaf and pop in the oven. Set timer for 40 minutes.
Peel potatoes and cut into quarters. Place in a pot and cover with water; pour in about four big dashes of sea salt (don't worry about adding too much. you want a lot, it'll be fine), and bring water to a boil. Boil until potatoes are easily pierced with a fork. Drain water and put potatoes back in the pot.
Before you mash the potatoes, throw the green beans, chicken stock, bacon fat, and minced garlic (however much you want, i do about a clove's worth) in a large pan. Cover the pan and put on medium heat. For as long as it takes you to mash the potatoes, that's how long it'll take for the beans to cook.
To the pot with the potatoes, add the butter and sour cream, and mash as much as possible. Add milk to desired consistency. You shouldn't have to add any salt, the potatoes were salted enough when boiled.
When the meatloaf is done, drain off fat and set aside to cool. When you're done mashing the potatoes, turn off the green beans.
Your meal is done! Eat and enjoy (I suggest with beer). This should make about four large servings.